Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Starting Over can happen many times-even in your Career Part 2

Yesterday I mentioned that employers use several methods to "weed out" applicants. For Accounting positions, the first is requiring a CPA. Obviously not a problem if have one. The next thing that works against you is a credit check. Having been financially WIPED OUT in 2007 and trying to recover (still) I obviously don't have great credit. My credit has no impact on my ability to do a great job for someone. I do not have access to their money, I just account for it. If they have decent internal controls, I would NEVER have any opportunity to financially harm my employer-and let's face it. They pay me, I want them to live long and prosper!

OK-so far two strikes against me. I am not a CPA and  I have lousy credit (but I am committed to getting it back in shape somehow).

Here comes strike 3-AGEISM is alive and well in hiring practices. OK, so I am experienced. In days gone by that would have counted as a substitute for the CPA. Some of us have awesome experience that could really help a business move to the next level. I would love to have that opportunity and have FAITH that it will happen, but in the mean time? Got to just keep plugging along.

There are hidden pitfalls to your career based on your current position. Want to know more? OK-stay tuned.

1 comment:

JFB Painting and Handyman Services said...

Interesting article makes good solid sense, yes starting over is never an easy thing to do but it is a must. We can not allow our emotions and fears to hold us back...Good Article