Yes, it has been a year (a little over it) since my last post on this Blog. I have managed to keep my house!!! I had to spend every dime I had on an attorney to file Ch. 13 Bankruptcy. Just before my hearing Saxon offered me a loan modification, which I accepted. It took me a year to get it straightened out even AFTER signing the modification.
My sister and best friend left me a year ago, she and I traveled the same paths. She was in Ch. 13 also trying to keep her home. She kept going until she couldn't anymore. We found out she had cancer everywhere, and she was gone a week later. I believe it was God's gift to her to take her home, she just couldn't stand it anymore. I know she is in heaven, she accepted the gift of salvation a few years ago. She lived in an evil environment, her cohabitant was a wicked person and did his best to criticize her and keep her down. She left him as the administrator of her will which he and I share 50%. Being in bankruptcy there wasn't really a lot there and I was in such shock at having lost her, I left it all with him to liquidate and provide documentation on. Guess who I have never heard from again?? What a LOSER he is, and he was so blessed that my sister cared about him and provided a roof over his head (and his son's too). She is probably the ONLY person on the face of this earth that really cared about him. She spent all of her money on him, and got nothing in return. I miss her EVERYDAY, we talked to each other EVERY day for years. We used to see each other regularly too, but then we both went down the tubes financially and didn't want to spend the gas money. I helped her when I could, which was so little. She never said how bad off she was getting. Her life was terrible for the last few years and I wanted so much to help her, but was and am still barely able to help myself.
I have learned that
God does provide. Maybe not the way we would want, but He does provide! My handsome son is in college now. Last year, by the GRACE of GOD, he went to a private college with enough scholarships and money provided by his grandmother years ago to make it through with only small loans. This year, he is going to a public college because his funding will pay for it with no loans, but he has living expenses to cover. Praise the Lord, he has a job to be starting soon. I want to help him too, it tears my heart out that I cannot. I have to have HOPE that better days are ahead.
I continue working (at 60%) of my pay in 2006. Just enough to cover costs, NOTHING extra, especially since my mortgage payment consumes most of my money. My employer is awesome, I am thankful to be working and seem to be at a stage in life where I cannot go anywhere else. I thought I was becoming paranoid, but this article from
Smart Money tells me I am not. "You’re not paranoid: Age discrimination in the workplace is real. A 2006 survey by the Center on Aging and Work at Boston College found that about one fourth of employers said they were reluctant to hire older workers. More recently, the National Bureau of Economic Research found that after looking at only a resume, employers discriminated against women they perceived to be 50 or older. " Yep that's me...a Golden Oldie. Never thought I would be here at this stage of my life!!
I continue chipping away at some extra money online, too. I think AdSense is my first and best dependence on other people signing up for your programs. I know a lot about online business, marketing etc. but people don't want your help unless you can say I made millions and am a guru...